I admittedly did not coin the term "iPad Revolution" (as far as I know it came from ISTE); however, I love the phrase and think it very well describes a distinct alteration in the way we do things in the world of education and technology integration. There are many promising aspects of using the iPad in education, and while I may occasionally comment on an array of ideas for its use, the core reasoning for this blog's existence is to promote the iPad's use in effective teacher evaluation practices. Teacher evaluation is a common discussion thread in many schools, teacher & administration graduate programs, and other arenas within the realm of education. I plan to offer a wide variety of ideas on how to effectively evaluate teachers in a comprehensive way, and how to record and communicate the results with the iPad as your main (but certainly not the only) tool.
I look forward to providing open and honest reflection for the reader, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about something specific on the blog.
- John
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